Rules And Policies Governing The Community

Residents agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the community when they purchase their home in Renaissance.  Rules may be periodically changed, added or removed at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.  
All new residents receive a copy of these rules and regulations and agree to abide by them as part of their membership in the Renaissance Homeowner's Association.  This document also contains the ARC Rules and Regulations as well as the Resident Code of Conduct.
Resolution - Capital Contribution Fee. 
Established a buy in fee for those purchasing a home in Renaissance.
Resolution - Public Safety Communications to Community
Establishes guidelines for the Board or PMO to communicate matters of public safety. 
Resolution - Trustees not allowed to serve as club officer during BOT term.  
Rule to prevent a Trustee from having a conflict of interests while serving on the Board.
Resolution - Parking and Towing Policy.
Rules regarding the parking of homeowner and guest/visitor vehicles.
Resolution- Street Tree Policy
Rules regarding the replacement of street trees