Clubs & Activities

There are many clubs and activities at Renaissance, organized below into 5 groups. If you are a registered resident and would like to learn more about any of these groups, you can read about them under Things to Do, and the submenu, Get Involved.

Recreation Groups (Click to Expand)

  1. Bocce League
  2. Bocce Travel Team
  3. Bowling League (Tuesdays)
  4. Bowling League (Thursdays)
  5. Bowling League (Wednesdays)
  6. Golf Membership
  7. Ladies Golf Association
  8. Pickleball Sports Club
  9. Ping Pong
  10. Shuffleboard League
  11. Softball Team (Crusaders)
  12. Softball Team (Rebels)
  13. Tennis Club
  14. Water Volleyball Club

Service Groups (Click to Expand)

  1. Golf Cart Association
  2. Mens' Club 
  3. Shields 
  4. Women's Club

Social Groups (Clik to Expand)

  1. Bronx/Staten Island Club
  2. Brooklyn Club
  3. Essex/Bergen Club
  4. Irish-American Club
  5. Italian American Social Club
  6. Passaic/Morris Club
  7. Plate & Palate
  8. Royal Red Hats
  9. Shalom Heritage Club 
  10. Singles Club
  11. Unity Club
  12. Wine Club

Special Interest Groups (Click to Expand)

  1. Art Club
  2. American History
  3. Artisans and Crafters
  4. Ballroom Dancing
  5. Book Discussion
  6. Bridge
  7. Canine Crew
  8. Ceramics
  9. Community Chorus 
  10. Computer Literacy
  11. Decorative Painting 
  12. Friends of the GS Philharmonic
  13. Garden Club
  14. Jazz Dance and Musical Theater
  15. Knitting, Crocheting & Kneedlecraft
  16. Line Dancing
  17. Magic Club
  18. Martial Arts
  19. Modelers Club
  20. Performing Arts Club
  21. Photography Club
  22. Retired Educators Club
  23. Round Table
  24. Telling My Story
  25. Wood Workers Guild
  26. Veterans Association

Volunteer Committees (Click to Expand)

1.  Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Committee 
2.  Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
3.  Audit Committee
4.  Clubhouse Enhancement Committee
5.  Communications Committee
6.  Election Committee
7.  Finance Committee
8.  Golf Committee
9.  Landscape Committee 
10. Outdoor Enhancement Committee 
11. Pool Committee
12. Professional Entertainment Committee 
13. Purchasing Committee 
14. Recreation Committee 
15. Risk Management Committee 
16. Social Committee 
17. Sound Committee 
18. Travel Committee
19. Website Committee

Performance Groups (Click to Expand List)

  1. Fresh Air
  2. The Continentals
  3. The Silvertones